In this document, you will be able to read the KFO (Killing Fever Online) rules. Failure to follow said rules will result in mod (moderator/administration member) intervention, a warning, a kick, or in more severe cases, a ban.
@Shadow Council is the administration team role on KFO's Discord.
[M] prefix in OOC names ([M] CW) is the administration team member in-client.
Killing Fever Online is a Public Discord Community Server and has a responsibility to uphold the Discord Community Guidelines. These same guidelines apply and will be enforced for the game server and affiliated servers (RP Discords etc.) where applicable.
Please use the English language during full conversation in Discord and Out-Of-Character (OOC) chat. You are permitted to use a different language during a role-play so long as the role-play hosts have allowed it. Affiliated servers (RP Discords etc.) are allowed to speak different language(s) as long as it is clear in the rules of that server.
By Constructive Criticism we mean criticizing characters, role-plays, game modes, role-play hosts, games, etc. without making it personal - "Oh, this character was garbage. They didn't even act like a human being." is fine, as it does not imply the player behind that character is unable to act like a human being. You are also allowed to criticize past actions and behaviors of members of the community on the server and it will not be considered under the "personal details" rule.
"Explicitly retracted" means that consent is assumed unless specified otherwise, which can be done either publicly towards the person insulting or brought to the moderators so they can retract consent on their behalf. Banter, which is insulting someone with their consent, is allowed.
Consent is NOT assumed unless specified otherwise. While a person's personal life should generally be left off limits, you are allowed to mention aspects of someone's life as long as it's with their consent. Should a person find their likeness used in a discussion uncomfortable or unacceptable, they have the right to ask for the conversation to exclude them.
Insulting or criticizing anyone personally, including but not limited to their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications and anything prejudiced is strictly forbidden.
EXCEPTION: Affiliated servers (RP Discords etc.) are allowed to have insults or criticisms to anyone personally but only with consent. If such jokes are being made when consent is broken, the rule is considered to be broken and administrative action will be taken against offending parties.
You may not employ slurs, hate speech, derogatory terms and insults aimed at entire demographics, groups or minorities on any basis even with consent, such speech included but not limited to:
n*gger, f*ggot, r*tard, sp*stic, m*ngoloid, ch*nk, tr*nny, etc.
You may not insult or criticize every member of a group as a whole, be it a different Attorney Online server, role-playing group, a fanbase, etc.
You are not allowed to raid and harass those groups while differentiating yourself as a KFO user. The same is expected from those groups in regards to KFO! Harassment of a group or members of a group is in breach of Discord Community Guidelines and will be enforced accordingly.
You are allowed to discuss your personal experience with a particular group as long as it is made clear you are not referring to everyone who is part of that group. For example, saying "Undertale fans are shitlords" is not allowed because anyone who identifies themselves as "a fan of Undertale" is criticized and insulted regardless if it's fair. However, saying "Certain Undertale fans are shitlords" is allowed as you're not insulting everyone who's part of that group as "shitlords", just certain people you personally take issue with, and you do not have to name them.
Serious unproven allegations against groups or their individuals such as activities in breach of Discord Community Guidelines or the law (sexualization of minors, illegal activities etc.) must be taken to the administration staff for a full investigation and/or reported to Discord. It is not allowed to make such allegations in public.
Going into explicit detail of sexual acts is forbidden. Implication of sexual acts or a non-explicit statement of the act is allowed as long as it isn't detailed and follows the Disclaimer rule (Rule 8).
Any media posted must contain room for doubt of its explicit nature. Censoring, cropping, etc. must alter the underlying context of the media enough to create room for doubt.
Excessively graphic artistic depictions of violence including mangled or dismembered bodies or body parts must follow the disclaimer rule and must always be spoiler tagged.
In-Character rape is forbidden under any circumstances even if the role-play has a disclaimer. Rape can be part of somebody's backstory or discussed In-Character only with a disclaimer (Rule 8).
Sexualizing minors or characters that obviously look like minors is forbidden under any circumstances, even with disclaimers. If there's doubt over whether something counts as sexualizing minors, consider asking a mod.
Any depiction or discussion of serious abuse, intense violence or sexual acts without directly infringing on the NSFW rule (Rule 6) must be ||spoiler-tagged|| with a content warning and/or moved to a relevant age-restricted channel such as #serious-topics on the KFO Discord.
Discussing such topics in an Out-Of-Character manner on the game server or affiliated servers (RP Discords etc.) must only occur with mutual consent from anyone with access to that space. Role-plays diving into risky or provocative topics that would be relevant to this rule or feature derogatory terms terms that would be otherwise unacceptable must also contain a disclaimer/content warning on the main doc and the sign-up announcement that is clearly communicated to anyone who wishes to know about the role-play.
DISCLAIMER: The administration team reserves the right to forbid a role-play from using derogatory terms, serious abuse, intense violence or sexual acts and discussion of such topics if by the administration team's sole discretion they determine such depictions/discussions to be excessive or offensive.
A server may be a discord server, a game server, teamspeak, etc.
A server is considered affiliated if the link to join that server is publicly accessible from the Killing Fever Online Discord, such as linking a roleplay discord in the #rp-announcements channel, in the main doc of the roleplay, having it in the sign-up form, etc.
A server is considered affiliated if the owner of that server claims affiliation and the Killing Fever Online administration confirms that claim.
A server is considered no longer affiliated two weeks after any of the above conditions are no longer true - for example, if a roleplay hosted on KFO ends, the invite link is no longer available and the owner of that server retracts affiliation from Killing Fever Online. The rules still have to be enforced within that two week period, and all rule breaks occurring at the time of affiliation can still be acted on.
You are allowed and encouraged to contact the administration team with proof of the incident, such as screenshots of DM's etc.
This includes asking people to join RP's unaffiliated with KFO.
Exceptions are the laboratory on the server, which should be reserved for testing custom content, and the channel marked with poo emoji 💩 in the discord.
On Discord, using bot commands outside of #bots should be kept as limited as possible. Spamming is allowed within reason on the server only in in-character chat during the looking-for-players/recess status of the role-play. If you are a host of the role-play and want it to stop, however, use /area_mute to prevent anyone but the administration team/role-play hosts from speaking in it (/area_unmute to revert this, /invite and /uninvite to only allow specific people to speak.). Spamming User pings, Role pings, unnecessary @Shadow Council pings or mod calls in-client will also result in punishment.
With Title spoiler: ||Spoiler||, e.g. AA1 spoiler: ||Somebody dies||. Full spoiler discussions and untagged spoilers outside of #spoilers will be deleted. Fake spoilers count as well, though this will be judged on a case by case basis (e.g. dora the explorer dies in infinity war is an obvious joke when a simple "dora dies" can be taken as a spoiler). However, be wary that the main server content may contain spoilers. Full list of franchises can be seen here.
You may leave mid-session or even before the role-play starts. If you have to be busy, are pulled off by your parents, your power went out, your schedule changed or you're simply not enjoying the role-play, the administration team may not get involved and you will not be punished - please be honest with your role-play hosts and explain your circumstance if possible.
EXCEPTION: If it is determined that you leaving role-plays becomes a pattern (Ghosting) you may be reported by the role-play hosts/other players and the administration team reserves the right to inform everyone in the #mod-log of your exploitative behavior. No punishment will be made beyond that unless other rules have been broken as well.
This goes both ways - you may withdraw your sign-up as a player if you think someone was denied their spot unfairly. The administration team may not get involved in such a decision - they would only get involved if other rules were broken as well.
You may host your role-play on any of the Room areas in /hub 0. If you only need a single location, or in any of the unclaimed Hubs (/hub) if your role-play needs multiple locations or functionality specific to hubs. You are not allowed to use custom content in Hub 0 in all Areas other than Area 11 - Custom Content Room, and Area 13 - Laboratory. Outside of Hub 0, you are allowed to use custom content in role-plays with permission from the role-play hosts. Be sure to supply a link so that said content can actually be downloaded.
There is a distinction between role-play hosts:
A Game Master (GM), who made the first role-play announcement, hosts the majority of the sessions and must own the role-play discord if there is one, and
Co-Game Master (Co-GM), who is assisting the GM with hosting sessions, making subsequent announcements and/or assisting with the scheduling.
In-client, a Case Manager (CM) is the person who has full control of only an individual area, as opposed to the Hub. This is mostly relevant for Hub 0 single-area role-plays. They will be treated as a GM or Co-GM as far as the rules are concerned.

If you wish to host an RP on KFO, here is a step-by-step process:
  1. Grab the @Game Masters role by going to the #bots channel and using .role Game Masters. This will grant you access to the #rp-planning channel.
  2. For any RP that lasts beyond a single session (Longform/Chrono/Weekly), using a @Shadow Council tag in the #rp-planning to get permission is required. You must also use this tag every time your scheduled Main Day must change.
    You do not need permission for a single-session RP (One-off). If your single-session RP transforms into a multiple-session RP, please inform the @Shadow Council in the#rp-planning and ask for permission.
    1. If your RP does not have open sign-ups (private RP or one carrying over from another server) you must still follow this rule.
    2. Multiple RPs may occupy the same time slot as long as there are enough server resources (Hubs, Rooms) to accommodate them. If there aren't enough server resources, the server will be updated to accommodate these RPs as soon as possible!
  3. A GM must declare the "main day" for the role-play (the day they input in the KFO scheduler). After that, a GM reserves the right to run as many times as they want during the week, but hub priority is given to role-plays that run on any said day as their main day.
    1. In the event of scheduling conflicts, the RP that was scheduled earlier will take priority.
    2. DISCLAIMER: If the administration team deems your RP's runtime excessive they reserve the right to reduce the amount of times your RP is being hosted as long as there is reasoning behind this decision.
  4. Schedule your RP. The Scheduler link is accessible in the #rp-planning channel description or here. If the RP is scheduled more than a day in advance, you must make an entry for your RP with an approximate (preferably exact) start time.
  5. Discuss the schedule with other @Game Masters to avoid possible conflicts. Make sure to select a Hub or Room to use that isn't already occupied.
  6. Use the #rp-announcements channel to announce your RP opening sign-ups or information pertaining to the RP. If you're in doubt your information is relevant to the channel, feel free to ask the @Shadow Council.
  7. You may also request the administration team to pin your sign-up announcement to indicate that you are still looking for players! Make sure to have the announcement unpinned when you are closing sign-ups.
You will become @Active after 3 days on Discord. Before that, attachments, images, links or stickers will be automatically deleted. You are still able to chat, join voice chats, role-play, etc. If you already had the role but had to rejoin, contact the administration team.
Rules may not be retroactively enforced on something that wasn't an offense before and only became an offense later.
Administrative action against minor offenses may only be taken up to a year after said offense. Major offenses (for example, offenses that would lead to severe punishment) and cases of pattern behavior are exempt.
Discord Community Guidelines are an exception to this rule.
The administration team is the final authority of the server and everything they say must be followed to a T. If a user has a provable pattern behavior of misbehaving in the form of discord logs, screenshots etc. and can be reasonably expected to continue misbehaving in the future, they may be punished upon the unanimous decision of the moderators.
EXCEPTION: If you feel a mod is absurd or is abusing their powers, feel free to discuss it with a different mod or the server owner on KFO's Discord Server. KFO's number 1 priority is for everyone to have fun, not be toxic to each other.


Additional rules may be added at any time. Please check this document occasionally for any updates and new rules. If you have any questions about any of the rules here, please contact the administration team and we will clarify to the best of our ability.


This server's role-plays may feature topics of fictional murder or suicide. Discussion of such topics in fictional context is permitted on the Discord server as well.

Privacy Notice

Killing Fever Online under no circumstances will leak your IP address or HDID to the public. The only two people with access to the database containing your IP address and HDIDs are Crystalwarrior and Longbyte01. Even so, Crystalwarrior pledges to only use the IPID system (obfuscation of your IP address using database index for the administration purposes) to the best of his ability.